Beyond Indoor Flooring: Three Surprising Hardwood Solutions To Use On The Exterior Of Your Home

When you think about hardwood flooring, you may think about the flooring you have installed for the flooring in your home. You may be surprised to know that many of these materials can also be used far beyond the interior of your home. Wood species like oak can be for an affordable solution for decking outside of your home. There are also tropical woods like Brazilian walnut that can be an excellent choice for patio covering or garden paths. Here are four surprising ways you can extend the use of hardwood to the outside of your home:

1. Using Common Hardwood Materials For Decking

There are many different materials that you can use for the decking on decks. Conventional materials are treated pine, but you can also use materials such as tropical woods, cedar and even hardwood. Materials such as oak can be a great solution for the decking around your home. Oak is also a naturally resistant material that can be used for many different things; even used for roofing shakes on homes in some areas.

2. Patios And Garden Paths With Tropical Hardwood Materials

Patios and garden paths can also be made out of many different materials. Some tropical wood materials such as Brazilian walnut or Ipe are ideal for use for these type of things.  Tropical hardwood materials are great because of their resistance to insects, water and humidity. These are also materials that look great with a light finish, but they can also be costly to have installed.

3. Hardwood Lumber Materials In Privacy Features For Fencing

If you have a fence around your home and it does not provide you with enough privacy, you may consider adding features to give you more privacy. Some of these features can include things like lattice or privacy walls. Hardwood materials can be great for these features for your home, and will last for many years. They are also good for outdoor areas like porches and patios, where you want to have attractive features for your home. Materials like walnut, mahogany and cherry can look great for these outdoor areas.

If you want to have wood features on the exterior of your home, these are some of the ways that hardwood products can be used on the exterior of your home. If you need to have new hardwood flooring installed for your home, contact places like The Cedar Shop Building Materials to get all the hardwood materials you need for these features on the exterior of your home. 
